

4 Days Care & Education

£1906.66 pcm

Fees include 3 freshly prepared, organic meals per day as well as unlimited snacks and drinks plus unmatched effective teaching and learning by our expert team of Early Years faculty of experienced and comitted teachers.

Fees cover all holidays, Forest School, trips and clubs


5 Days Care & Education

£2383.33 pcm

Fees include 3 freshly prepared, organic meals per day as well as unlimited snacks and drinks plus unmatched effective teaching and learning by our expert team of Early Years faculty of experienced and comitted teachers.

Fees cover all holidays, Forest School, trips and clubs


Tax Free Scheme

Families earning £100,000 or below can apply to the government for tax relief on childcare costs. Average savings of £1000 p/y can be made. Reference number for sign up available on contract signing.

Voucher Scheme

If you signed up for vouchers pre 2019 you can use these as part payment for your monthly fees.


15/30 Hours Free

We do not currently have any spaces for funded hours.