Learning and Development

Our Mission: To develop Kind, Creative, Curious and Courageous children with a love of learning for life

The Early Years is the most important time in your child’s life because it is now that your child builds a love of learning, self belief and the ability to be sociable through managing their feelings and behaviour. This is the way to make and manage positive relationships and this is key to ensuring children’s well-being.

Between 0 to 5 years is when the biggest investment must be made to secure positive outcomes for the short, mid and long term.

At Yeeha! we have developed a unique portfolio of activities which we tailor to build expert learning opportunities - bespoke to individual children, depending on their interests, age, stage and abilities.

Next Steps and progress are scaffolded by the shared-attention of a fully qualified and experienced faculty of Early Years Teachers; comitted to guaranteeing best outcomes and well-being for every child.

A love of learning is built through progress made, boosted by specific praise - bolstering childrens confidence, self-worth and belief in their own abilities.

Our small roll, exceptional ratios combined with our enabling Home-From-Home approach guarantees children’s security. We’re small enough to really care and big enough to cope!

Our homely setting, high quality plastic-free resources and unmatched faculty give children

THE premium early years opportunity to THRIVE.

Yeeha! alumni are noticeably different from other children. They are kind, polite and enthusiastic. Sociable, confident and happy; already fully equipped with what it takes to take the world by the horns and be liked while doing it!

Parents are encouraged to partner with Yeeha! practitioners so that we can work as a team to ensure your child’s wellbeing and potential. Observation diaries that identify the next steps for learning, Milestones and Behaviour Management plans are shared with parents weekly, supporting a two-way information flow so no stone is left unturned in the quest to give your child the very best start possible.

Quarterly parents evenings are bookable so that we can celebrate your child’s progress and support your family as a whole.