Our Yeeha! Team



Junior Early Years Educator, our newest member of the team brings further love of language with her exciting Greek language sessions. Her energy, patience and love of children is heartwarming.

Natalia James

Senior Early Years Educator. Nat is a very experienced practitioner with an inspiring ability to tap into what makes children tick and how to make them feel immediately part of our happy Yeeha! family.



Early Years Educator. Gerta is a very popular member of the faculty and her name is chanted all over the neighbourhood as all children LOVE her!! She also has a wealth of experience, brings the children language sessions in Italian, French and Russian. Her great moves make our Friday kitchen discos really hop!

We are also very lucky to have our amazing chef Jodie who expertly prepares the freshest, healthiest and heartiest, fully organic cold lunches and hot suppers daily.

Our role-play leader — James Schofield brings language and literature to life with drama, dance and movement sessions.

Our volunteer Spanish teacher, Louisa Gonzalez-Guiterrez brings fun Spanish language sessions, further expanding children’s knowledge and understanding of ther world and love of the spoken word.

We have another team member in the wings waiting to join us soon, so we’ll introduce them on arrival!