Our Home-From-Home Facilities at Heber Road

Music Room

We have a fully stocked music room with stand up piano, baby grand, key boards, guitars, ukuleles, trumpets, horns, drums and countless xylophones, bells, shakers and hand held instruments for children to explore, express, make a joyful sound supporting language and cognitive excellence.


Our spacious and cosy library is brimming with hard back books, paper backs and board books of all sizes and themes for children of all ages to enjoy. We have multiples of each so that children can have their own copies to explore as we enjoy story times and role play characters, themes and ideas, using our extensive collection of dressing up costumes and props.

Here we support speech, language and literacy, understanding of the world. as well as personal, social and emotional development. All transitions and early childhood challenges can be practiced and mastered in the safety of experienced faculty.

Making Room

Our artist in residence builds a rich curriculum so that bespoke, tailored and planned creative projects inpire each and every child to reach their full potential. Our dedicated making room with custom-built long counter top and fully stocked supplies of mark making media, construction, modelling, printing, painting, colouring and junk modelling materials allows children to fully express their feelings, interests and creativity.

Here we support early literacy/writing skills and physical development via building security in coordination, tripod grip, using one handed tools and the basics of maths including the colour wheel, 2d and 3d shapes, density, texture and numeracy.


Our front garden is walled and railed, so that children can freely and safely partake in container gardening. We grow herbs, fruits and beans which the children plant, water and harvest to share with their friends.

Our large, rear walled garden benefits from a large sheltered area and is astro turfed throughout so that children can play outdoors safely, 12 months of the year. We have 2 mud kitchens, activity walls, a tool station, fire station, garage, sand and water play as well as a climbing frame, slide, ladder and swing.

Here we support critical thinking, physical development as well as science, technology, engineering and maths STEM.


Children aged 10 months to 2 years enjoy 2 daytime naps in their own cots, with their own daily laundered bedding in our beautiful and quiet dedicated nursery room. From 2 years to 3, children benefit from one afternoon nap per day. From age 3 onwards, children are able to rest-up when needed on padded mats in the library where there are plenty of books to leaf through if they don’t need 40 winks that day.

Here we support children’s health and wellbeing, as nothing is better for restorative health than sleep.

Home-From-Home Sitting Room

With soft furnishings, artworks and proximity to to the kitchen where the aroma of fresh, home made food wafts - children feel completely at home and are safe to roam, explore and head to any activity area they are interested in; just like they do at home.

Dining Room

Positioned in the heart of our homestead, our dining room is ideal for all children and our grown up bandwagon to come together and enjoy unlimited organic, fresh breakfast, lunch and supper. Granary, wholemeal toast for breakfast followed by wholemeal pitta, hummus, cheese and crudite for lunch and topped off by a hot supper daily. Snacks of fruits, veg and breadsticks are available all day along with fresh water and organic milk for children to enjoy as and when they desire. Regular water and snack times are built-in to break up activities and ensure children have opportunity to keep fluids and energy up.

Children up to 2 years sit at high chairs but from then on enjoy sitting at our bench type dining area where they choose who to sit next to and when. The oldest children sit either at their own table and log seat in the sitting room, or else head outside for picnic time in warm weather.

Forest School

Yeeha! is passionate about the unequalled benefits that learning in the great outdoors brings, so we spend most of our time outdoors in our gardens, widening our horizons and maximising wellbeing - connecting with nature and wildlife.

Our Forest School activities begin on site for children aged from 10 months and this expands to off-site Forest School at Dulwich Park and Peckham Rye Park for Pre-School children aged 2+ at our weekly sessions throughout the whole year.

During the Summer Term, Forest School runs Monday - Thursday, 9am-12 pm daily

where children and qualified teachers unleash their full potential and well-being in the widernesses on our doorstep - where the wild things go!

Forest school benefits children’s well-being, security, independence and connection to wildlife in wild spaces. Speech and language, physical mastery and knowledge and understanding of the world is scaffolded - ambition and next steps, hopes and self-belief is broadened when children recognise intellectual and physical wider horizons. Yeeha! children thrive by increasing their immunity through contact with microorganisms in the soil and seratonin is boosted by exposure to vitamin C from the sun. The wonder and awe of the natural world lifts children’s spirits and activity via tree walks, bug hunts, pond and stream dipping, shelter building, tree climbing, bird watching, colour and sound treasure trails unleashes children’s potential - growing their belief in their own achievements and broadening limits. We breakfast at home and head to the wilderness on our bear hunts, swishy swoshy all the way and if it’s not too hot, we stay out for picnic lunch under the awe inspiring canopy of urban forests or else return to the homestead for a hearty meal before nap time.

Here we support the all important love and respect for wildlife, nature and the great outdoors.

Bookworms Club

Fully mobile children aged 2+ are invited to join Boowworms club where we support and expand our love of learning and especially literature, by heading to Dulwich Library every week to further research our weekly themes of our curriculum activities.

Road Awareness School

Children aged 2+ are getting lots of opportunities and practice to navigate traffic and road safety on their journies to and from Yeeha! as well as on our trips to Forest Schol and Bookworms club. However children need SO many more ‘flight hours’ to fully embed the knowledge they need to make sense of their own self-regulation, personal, social and emotional developmebnt and executive function to truly master road safety and keep safe. At Yeeha! we tailor road safety activities and outings which we practice at home regulary before heading out to master skills in the basics - Stop, Look, Listen. Check Again and Go Go Go! We practice using zebra crossings, traffic light crossings, identifying safe places to cross on smaller roads as well as transfering these skills depending if we are walking, on our bikes or on our scooters.